• Here you will find the chronicles of our family of four. More pictures than words, I am most at home capturing our life with a still camera. Photos help me recognize the beauty and awesomeness in both the phenomenal people I live life alongside and this breathtaking place we live, planet earth.

    I am a child of God. I am the wife to a wonderful man, mother to two amazing little people. I am both daughter and sister. I am a runner. I love to travel and read.

    I often title this season of our life's adventure, The Continuing Adventures of Mallory Girl and Mark Boy. The photography is mine (unless otherwise noted.) Questions are always welcome. Thanks for reading and adventuring alongside us.

new trees.

Two new trees arrived in our yard today.
A Red Maple & a pink flowering Kwanzan cherry. Welcome to the yard, we hope you are happy in your new homes.

October Glory Red Maple tree, Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’, is one of
the best and most popular of the Red Maple cultivars. October Glory Red
Maple trees are excellent for intense fall color and have a medium to
fast growth rate. In the spring, red flowers in dense clusters form
before the leaves. This Red Maple is an excellent tree for lawn or
street planting.

The ‘October Glory’ Red Maple has a good
oval-rounded form. It tends to hold its lustrous dark green leaves late
into fall. The intensity of the brilliant orange to red fall color is
worth the wait. October Glory Red Maple trees have a dense oblong head
with dark green foliage.

Kwanzan Flowering Cherry tree, Prunus serrulata "Kwanzan", is one of
the most popular cultivars of the flowering cherry trees. This
deciduous tree rapidly grows to  height of 20 to 30 feet.  The blooms
are a clear pink, double flower (multiple petals like a carnation).
The blooms tend to last 3 weeks, yielding to a light green foliage with
a red tinge.

The Kwanzan flowering cherry tree is also known as
a Japanese flowering cherry tree. The leaves turn to a reddish-copper
fall color. A beautiful ornamental flowering tree.

Julie Whaley - October 23, 2005 - 8:35 pm

Excellent. Now if those neighbors would just get their fences built ๐Ÿ™‚

clean up….

Clean up….Clean up….everybody do your share…..clean up…clean up…everybody everywhere. can you tell what my day is shaping up to be???

Seriously, it’s good to have freshly clean, "pick-ed up" house. Looking forward to breakfast with the Ott family tomorrow.  It seems like they have been gone for years-decades-eons even. Then we are headed to Cost Plus for office furniture. MMS is moving their office to a new-no furniture included-spot around the corner from their present location. So we get to pick out new filing cabinets and desks. Furniture shopping is always a good thing ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s looking like we might have company next weekend. In the from of cousins from McLean-I seriously cannot wait to meet Grace Elizabeth. It will be good to see her parents too ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy weekend!!



Back to our regularly scheduled life. The Whaleys are gone, and life has resumed. ITMM started a new group of classes yesterday. I am gearing up to teach a bunch of new-to-me classes. The holidays are being scheduled. MMS is growing and changing. What is it about growth that is good and exciting and scary as all get out. I am having lunch with Jenn today and have a massage to give later. New class to teach tomorrow. Just stuff–I missed BSF today-that makes me sad. Last night was really late and I was a slug-a-bed this morning. I did get some work done but am bummed to have missed…so onward and upward I go—Lord may this day and all of my days glorify You.