• Here you will find the chronicles of our family of four. More pictures than words, I am most at home capturing our life with a still camera. Photos help me recognize the beauty and awesomeness in both the phenomenal people I live life alongside and this breathtaking place we live, planet earth.

    I am a child of God. I am the wife to a wonderful man, mother to two amazing little people. I am both daughter and sister. I am a runner. I love to travel and read.

    I often title this season of our life's adventure, The Continuing Adventures of Mallory Girl and Mark Boy. The photography is mine (unless otherwise noted.) Questions are always welcome. Thanks for reading and adventuring alongside us.


Monday night. The end of my weekend. This weekend was full of family and friends and moving. Not us–Jennifer. Ben’s mom was here and we had the cousins over for dinner Sunday night. Even a new cousin (not met before) was able to come-so good to meet and hang out with Heidi.  Unpacking the moving truck, setting up and organizing Jenn’s new apartment. Dinner tonight with more family and friends.  And now…..to prepare tomorrow’s lessons ๐Ÿ™‚ and oh yeah—it’s October!!

Christina - October 4, 2005 - 8:08 am

Glad to hear you had a fun family filled weekend. I enjoy your blog and just love your banner ๐Ÿ™‚

Jenni - October 4, 2005 - 9:15 am

I agree with Christina — love the new banner!! Glad it was a good weekend.

Denise - October 5, 2005 - 10:20 am

Sounds like a great weekend! I have to say that I’m totally diggin’ the new banner!

home from vegas.

We love Las Vegas. Love the people, the churches, the amazing hotels, and the amazing shows–Cirque de solei is just amazing.  We took off for the weekend-a longish weekend and were able to squeeze in three shows and time for Ben to meet the production team at a new church. Something about Vegas calls to us, the city itself is in a valley surrounded by mountains. When I am there, a song about the mountains surrounding Jerusalem runs in my head constantly. The climate is so different from Nashville-the air and earth are dry. The wind blows all the time and the sun shines brightly. The shining sun is so bright it hurts my eyes without sunglasses and I can’t seem to get over the fact that light will always destroy darkness. So good to have that daily reminder.


Two services on Sunday at two different churches. It’s so cool to be a part of the kingdom and see others in different parts of the US. Heard Gene Appel speak at The Crossing and Jud White at Central Christian Church. Both men delivered powerful messages, we were blessed to be present for services in two places. Ben and I are truly refreshed by visiting other kingdom places. Places where a relationship with Yahweh is a priority, where seekers are welcomed and planned for, where ordinary people gather to build community in the name of Christ. It’s so good to go and see, to hear, to experience and bring home ideas and energy with which to build. Totally cool.

It is as always good to be home.

Bethany Settles - September 29, 2005 - 5:30 pm

ok Amanda..you better not go to vegas without me again! haha j/k Glad you got to go. You deserve a good weekend away after all the hard work you have done this summer on your house! =)

TracieClaiborne - October 3, 2005 - 12:11 am

That sounds like so much fun! I’m going to Vegas in February 2006. What are some things I shouldn’t miss!?

Denise - October 4, 2005 - 9:49 am

Sounds like so much fun! I could use some Vegas weather right about now! :o)

saturday…in the park.

The_zoo_2_2Last Saturday.
We spent the entire day on one long, lovely date.


A Recap of the "Date Day"
Breakfast at Panera
Lazy, low-key morning at the zoo
*lots of photo ops for me ๐Ÿ™‚
shopping at Cost Plus World Market
*new bookcase for the studio
Afternoon at the movie-more animals
March of the Penguin
Dinner at a Japanese place

a lovely lovely day
thank you Ben for the "date day"  in Louisville

Jenni - September 17, 2005 - 10:42 pm

That sounds like a lovely day – made even more special by sharing it with the one you love! I pray that God will continue to bless you and Ben with many, many more “date days.”

Denise - September 19, 2005 - 1:31 pm

Sounds like you had a blast!

nearing completion.


Getting dangerously close to finishing. Still need to cut down the rod for hanging, need brackets that Bed Bath and Beyond didn’t have (bummer), and attach the buttons. Rachael is teaching me how to slip stitch (rather, I’m watching her do it for me). Hope to get them hung this weekend!!

Jenni - September 16, 2005 - 4:23 pm

Those curtains look great! I can’t wait to see the finished product hanging up!