• Here you will find the chronicles of our family of four. More pictures than words, I am most at home capturing our life with a still camera. Photos help me recognize the beauty and awesomeness in both the phenomenal people I live life alongside and this breathtaking place we live, planet earth.

    I am a child of God. I am the wife to a wonderful man, mother to two amazing little people. I am both daughter and sister. I am a runner. I love to travel and read.

    I often title this season of our life's adventure, The Continuing Adventures of Mallory Girl and Mark Boy. The photography is mine (unless otherwise noted.) Questions are always welcome. Thanks for reading and adventuring alongside us.

the conservatory

Have I mentioned how much I love the garden room at the Bellagio?!?!? Here are a few more that will be hanging in Mallory’s butterfly  bathroom soon.

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Christy McInturff - May 3, 2007 - 11:52 am

It is always beautiful. We’re going in June and that will be one of our stops for sure


Remember this darling?!?!

This picture and these others were taken last September. Fast forward and now she is two!! She just keeps getting cuter! 

Happy Birthday sweetheart!

heather - May 2, 2007 - 12:22 pm

Thanks, again, for capturing our sweet girl in such amazing photos!

Christy McInturff - May 2, 2007 - 1:25 pm

of course she is darling!!

heather - May 2, 2007 - 2:42 pm

Hey! Viewing these pics reminded me that we lost her bracelet that day. Did it, by chance, end up with you?




I can’t decide which one to hang on my wall…does anyone have a favorite?

**Edited to add:**
Special thanks to wonderful friend Mark Ott for taking these for us!!!

Jenn - April 26, 2007 - 7:43 am

Um yeah, hang them both up. ๐Ÿ™‚

Elizabeth Shirley - April 26, 2007 - 8:44 am

The second one is my favorite, but I also say hang them both!

Christy McInturff - April 26, 2007 - 10:18 am

If you have to pick one I like the 1st one, but they would look cute together

heather - April 26, 2007 - 10:30 am

I love the way you and Ben are focused on her in the first one — and the way she is looking into the camera.

Christy McInturff - April 26, 2007 - 1:42 pm

Oh…Mark. I love those Ott boys:) Two of the sweetest guys on earth!!

malia - April 27, 2007 - 8:24 am

I’m with the both camp. Why choose?

Christie - April 29, 2007 - 1:29 am

I *heart* the second one!!

Julie Whaley - April 30, 2007 - 7:51 pm

First ๐Ÿ™‚

I {heart} Daddy


a total joy and blessing to watch them together

Jenn - April 24, 2007 - 8:58 am

What a CUTE shot! Can’t wait to see you both tomorrow.

Christy McInturff - April 24, 2007 - 9:55 am

What a great way to show how a daughter loves her daddy:) Mine loves him a little too much at times…she crawls around the house while he is at work searching for him!! No lie…she crawls all over saying “Dada? Dada?”