• Here you will find the chronicles of our family of four. More pictures than words, I am most at home capturing our life with a still camera. Photos help me recognize the beauty and awesomeness in both the phenomenal people I live life alongside and this breathtaking place we live, planet earth.

    I am a child of God. I am the wife to a wonderful man, mother to two amazing little people. I am both daughter and sister. I am a runner. I love to travel and read.

    I often title this season of our life's adventure, The Continuing Adventures of Mallory Girl and Mark Boy. The photography is mine (unless otherwise noted.) Questions are always welcome. Thanks for reading and adventuring alongside us.

mother and daughter


For the last three years, it's been me and her. Lots of her and me. We play and read and shop and hang out together. It's beyond surreal that in a few short weeks, we will have a new playmate. Little brother will change things dramatically. Less of my time for her, more needs to meet, less sleep, and lots more love to go around.


My sweet SWEET little girl. I love you so very much. Our next adventure is just around the corner!

Soccer 001 

Thank you Ben for taking these-it's way WAY more fun to have you around to play and read and hang with us.


Cookie Baking Playdate

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Our new friends from church arranged a cookie baking playdate. Yum!! We enjoyed meeting some new faces and fellowship with a few we've known awhile. It takes time making new friends and we are fortunate to have opportunities to be with our new church family.

Cookies 001

Sara Ezell - November 24, 2009 - 4:53 pm

These are PRECIOUS!!!! My sweet Mallory!! Tell her I can’t wait to see her Sunday!

Showered with Love


Last Saturday several of my sweet neighbors, the women who's husbands work with mine, my sweet sister and an honorary sister gathered to shower baby boy with joy. Jenn made this amazing quilt square for a pillow for baby boy's rocking chair-I am so excited to have it!

Shower 002b 

A delightful lunch and an AMAZING cake. Julie did a great job with the table–we even got to use her grandmother's china!


Beautiful and scrumptious!

Shower 001b 

Then we ohhed over small blue boy wonders.  Thank you sweet friends for blessing us with your love.

jb fox - November 18, 2009 - 8:55 pm

VERY cute cake! looks like a great time. Didn’t realize you and Laura T. were neighbors. I got to see her yesterday – small world!

Halloween 2009


We got to be at home this year for Halloween and all the festivities (I am 31 weeks pregnant and can't go anywhere.) Our evening was beautifully crisp and clear, even an almost full moon! After dinner, Mallory got her costume on and out we went.

Halloween bee 001 

This year she helped pick out her bumble bee costume. Several days after we brought this home from Target, she discovered the Pottery Barn Kids catalog and REALLY wanted to be a cupcake. Thankfully by the time I inquired, the company was sold out system wide. Yeah for me, we saved about $60! Her next option was to be a bumble bee like the one in their catalog. I stuck to our original Target costume but caved on the yellow face painted flower. She talked about this flower on her cheek for three solid weeks. yes, seriously.

Halloween bee 002 

We ventured out into our kid friendly neighborhood and made it to 3 houses. Yes, only three. Mallory has this fear of scary masks (rightfullly so in my opinion) and she was DONE. "Mommy, I want to go home." Alrighty then, home we went. Once we got home, she DELIGHTED in the trick-or-treaters ringing our doorbell. She lit up each time the bell rang and wanted to help pass out candy. I will also confess she wanted to trick-or-treat from our candy bowl. Since I really didn't care, she got to have lollipops and bubbles from our stash every time the door closed and it was "her turn". So very cute and such a fun night for us all.

Dawn - November 6, 2009 - 10:10 am

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that is a very cute bumblee bee that you have. I did also want to say that I *love* your wreath though!