Project Life 2012: week 3

Sunglasses for playtime after church.

New Lego Friends set and making faces for the camera.

Tying her shoes all by herself.

Through the doors.


Mark has wanted to play in his room before breakfast every morning this week. It’s pretty unusual for my little guy who wants me to carry him downstairs for the first bowl of cereal! But playtime is important and I can’t be bummed that he is playing by himself!!

We discovered a new indoor playland with our church playgroup Friday. Mark continues to love pink tricycles and Mallory continues to make faces for my camera.

Mallory is learning to make her bed every day. It makes me GIDDY to come upstairs and see it done. This morning she included all three Eyeors as well as Kitty Kat and Kangaroo.

Gail Day - February 4, 2012 - 3:09 pm

What a busy week! The Lego friends is so elaborate – and such fine motor skill. Good job learning to tie shoes 🙂 Can’t wait to see her do it 🙂
So is Mark getting out of bed to play? Is he pedaling the trikes? So many questions!!

ajm - February 6, 2012 - 9:15 pm

No, Mark isn’t getting out of his crib or pedaling the tricycles. We are counting the day until your visit!!

Jenn - February 11, 2012 - 10:11 am

I am SO impressed she’s tying her own shoes!! Way to go Mallory!

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