
yes we are alive. Sadly we are sick. All of us have been and/or are sick. Stomach bugs and the flu.

I cannot adequately describe or discuss the misery of sickness. Certainly not without sounds effects and smells and audio tracts.

Please Lord grant us health, and strength to bear with one another. Thank you for a husband who takes such great care of me and our daughter.

Dawn - February 4, 2008 - 12:59 pm

Oh no! =( I hope you all feel better quickly.

Christy McInturff - February 4, 2008 - 5:40 pm

Another family bites the dust…it is running through so many lately. Hope yours is quickly over:)

Jenn - February 4, 2008 - 7:18 pm

Sister! So sorry!! Get well soon.

curtis Templeton - February 4, 2008 - 9:35 pm

yea…same here in socal…gross..but thank god it’s temporary!

Kristi Templeton - February 5, 2008 - 11:26 am

ooh…both of my girls are SOOOOO sick. We are having a sick day. I just pulled out the sofa bed and turned the tv on…we’re all snuggled up and will probably be here the rest of the day.
i hope you all feel better soon!

heather - February 5, 2008 - 4:17 pm

Sending hugs your way. Should I also send soup? Seriously — let me know!

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