Old San Juan


Ben took me to San Juan for a delightful long weekend. Thank you to Nonnie & Poppy for keeping Mallory. Thank you Ben for a weekend of undivided attention and rest and cool adventures. Our first day we wandered around old San Juan.

Old san juan 005


sitting along the old city wall



the old gate that led from the harbor into the city


interesting sculpture: it commemorates a parade led by a church leader at the end of a siege on the city. The people of San Juan were hoping for help. When the enemy saw the procession they thought reinforcements had arrived so they turned and went home. A cool story about the women saving the city without any bullets!



these buildings look like a cupcake factory or an iced wedding cake to me

Old san juan 001

statue of Christopher Columbus and Ben checking our location with iphone GPS-such a big help on this trip!


the second of two cool forts

Old san juan 003

 more great views


both forts have this same look to the "lookouts"

more to come……

Kristi T. - March 9, 2009 - 11:17 am

very cool. i think i need to get out more.

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