Farwell Crib (aka Baby Jail)

One morning this week I opened Mark’s door expecting to see this sweet picture. Instead I found this: 

Apparently it’s time to say goodbye to the crib since he is using it for gymnastics practice instead of sleeping. Naturally I cautioned him against such behavior and went for the camera. Needless to say he was a bit confused when I told him to do it again! Just go with it dude!!

Naturally big sister wanted in on the fun.

A few more shots of his nursery before the change over to a “big boy room”

I’m in awe it’s time to move on……Farewell crib, the past six years have been great. Be good to Sofie girl 🙂

Gail - November 18, 2012 - 6:48 pm

This is obviously a “full service” crib!! So glad gymnastics is a natural for him 🙂 And he didn’t hurt himself or break anything while “working out!”

Jennifer - November 29, 2012 - 8:05 pm

This is one of my very favorite posts. So much personality in these two!! And we’re so very thankful for the crib!

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