Easter Sunday was a tad hectic. We arrived home from the Farm Saturday afternoon and had not recovered from our wonderful trip, not even a little. Generally speaking, on previous Easter Sundays, I manage to squeeze a quick photo session in before we leave for church. It was so NOT going to happen this particular morning. I had, what I like to think of as, a mature mommy moment. One where I say to myself, “pictures before church, or even taken TODAY aren’t important. Having a pleasant, reduced stress morning is, important. One where we get travel to church, to celebrate our Risen Savior with while not screaming at each other or seething silently in frustration.” I made the executive decision to postpone Easter pictures. Maybe even to a whole other day, when I might or might not, re-dress everyone in these same clothes and try to find my camera. As it turned out, we had time before lunch was ready to snap these. Thank goodness I didn’t push earlier in the morning. FOR SURE I wouldn’t have gotten these!
And just for the record, self timers don’t always work out well. Especially when I’m hoping they will. Darn aperture setting…..
slightly blurry is better than no family pic at all! cute cute pics!