Rachel tagged me. So—-5 random things.
1. I am just beginning to get over my obsession with dry bathmats. Yes, I know they are for feet that come out of the shower/tub but I HATE walking on a damp surface.
2. I learned to spell phonetically (fan-et-ically) and thus forever cannot spell.
3. I adore the combination of Diet and Regular Dr.Pepper. Twice the beverage for the same # of calories.
4. I read cookbooks for fun. Don’t cook all that much (twice a week maybe) but love to read them anyway.
5. I heart Capri’s. Almost NEVER wear shorts anymore.
So you see–I am so interesting 🙂
Tag Tracie –you are it 🙂
1. I am just beginning to get over my obession with Chuck Woolery. Ok, Im not totally over it, but I have learned to stay at least 50 feet away. (3 months in prison helped me learn this)
2. I learned to spell from watching the TV shows Scrabble and Lingo. This may help explain question 1.
3.I adore the combination of NyQuil and Redbull. It helps keeps my chest hair sliky and shiny.
4. I read the phone book for fun. I don’t use the phone much, but it I love surnames. I skip the Jone’s they’re always boring.
5. I heart v-neck shirts. Almost NEVER wear crew necks anymore, they don’t showcase my chest hair.
Im not that interesting.
Oh you’re the second person that’s tagged me. Guess I’ll have to answer the call now. heehee
I’m still pondering the Dr. P thing. Seems odd!