Here you will find the chronicles of our family of four. I often title this season of our life's adventure, The Continuing Adventures of Mallory Girl and Mark Boy. The photography is mine (unless otherwise noted.) Questions are always welcome. Thanks for reading and adventuring alongside us.
Next you’re going to be saying, “Crazy baby, will you just let ME sleep!!”
Christy McInturff -September 27, 2006 - 2:22 pm
such a cutie!! I’m glad she is finally here and I hope you are doing well. Try to rest when you can and leave the housework to Ben:)
John -September 28, 2006 - 7:51 am
WOW. Shan and I just checked out these pics. You already know this, but she is breathtaking. Amanda, she looks so much like you. We have marveled a couple of times this morning at how lovely she is. We can’t wait to meet her, hug your necks, and finalize the papers for the arranged marriage.
It is so my turn to hold her!
Amanda, she’s beautiful! Congratulations!
she is BEAUTIFUL!!!! wow. so precious! Enjoy your sweet little girl 🙂
Yeah, Mallory pictures! She is adorable.. looks like you I think. Glad to see the pacifier is everyone’s friend.
Next you’re going to be saying, “Crazy baby, will you just let ME sleep!!”
such a cutie!! I’m glad she is finally here and I hope you are doing well. Try to rest when you can and leave the housework to Ben:)
WOW. Shan and I just checked out these pics. You already know this, but she is breathtaking. Amanda, she looks so much like you. We have marveled a couple of times this morning at how lovely she is. We can’t wait to meet her, hug your necks, and finalize the papers for the arranged marriage.