returning to roots

When I was a little girl, I was first introduced to computers by my Granddaddy. I was fortunate enough to have access to computers in school (elementary) and we had an Apple IIe at home. Today, after many years of using PCs I am returning to Apple. My MacBook came via FedEx this morning and I am posting from it even now!!

Basically I made the jump because I am a photographer and need the design capabilities. I needed a new computer, my PC was a reconditioned model and has served our family well for over five years, but it wasn’t fast enough to keep up with all my demands. When I realized the factor holding me back was time wasted waiting on the PC to execute commands, it was PAST time for an upgrade.

So I have happily rejoined the ranks of apple users….I can’t wait to get started!

curtis Templeton - July 20, 2007 - 11:44 am please…i need to see this

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