Category Archives: Uncategorized

Valentine’s Album

I finished the Valentine's Album. I am happy with how it turned out, cute and little and just right forView full post »

little girl

You are sweet and adorable. You are funny and photogenic. You are my delight and joy. You challenge and teach and amazeView full post »

Discovering the library’s computer

You are completely LOCKED into this. A bit hesitant about the headphones, once I explained that's how to hear theView full post »

favorite things

One of your favorite things to do every week is dance class. You LOVE Ms. Howell and are thrilled each Monday morningView full post »

playing around

  One of the blogs I read on a regular basis, {A} written by Ali Edwards, inspired me to start playing aroundView full post »

really good days + 29 months old

Mallory girl–You and I have had two really good days in a row. I feel the need to record them so I can rememberView full post »

Saturday: Valentine’s Day

Having Valentine's Day on a Saturday is such a treat. We have gotten to spend the day hanging out, being together.View full post »

Valentine’s Party

2009: first annual Valentine's Party. I chose to counter my winter blahs with a super fun party. lots of paperView full post »

Mimi Deloris

Mimi D has come for a visit. The "purpose" for her visit is Alumni Weekend at Lipscomb. We get to host her forView full post »

farewell for now

Good Bye Warm weather and sunshine. You have truly been a panacea to my soul this week. I shall continue to remember youView full post »

our disneyland buddies

A big part of the reason I love coming to CA is our friends. My friends, Ben's friends, Mallory's friends. SinceView full post »

Huntington Beach

I'm convinced that the cure for my winter blues, blahs, and grumpiness is warmth and sunshine. When we come toView full post »

saturday together time

I love it when Ben has trips to CA and we get to go!! Mallory started this week sick. Fever three days in a row sick andView full post »

Louisville ZOO

Our first trip of 2009: we headed to Louisville, KY. Ben has a client there and the MMS team has been working diligentlyView full post »


When Ben is out of town (and sometimes when he's in town), we need distractions. This particular morning I pulledView full post »

Happy Birthday Ben

Happy 33rd birthday! We had a great day making waffles, playing outside, hanging the new bird feeder, reading, napping,View full post »


Today is FREEZING in Nashville. Literally. The high for today is 26. Knowing this ahead of time, I decreed a stay-at-View full post »

creative spaces & doggies

 After the Zoo on Friday we went to see Aunt Jenn's new studio. Mallory LOVES her dogs, the feeling seems toView full post »