Swirl Popsicles

It is HOT here. Today it was over 100 degrees (my vehicle said 103)and the heat index was 116. Really REALLY hot. So we made popsicles. It had nothing to do with discovering Bree's fabulous (new to me) food blog. Or the fact that I already had the cool popsicle molds from this same idea last year, but never got around to doing anything about it.


I even decided to take LOTS of pictures, like of every step to remember for posterity, and next summer, how easy it is. Then I managed to delete all the good ones. I have no idea what key strokes I managed to hit deleting the photos beyond the recycle bin. Yes, they are really gone. So these 3 pictures are the not great ones I hadn't chosen to use, but still have. 

Popsicles 001

We even made the berry purees, and swirled them together. Mallory was OVER THE MOON when I told her we could have popsicles for breakfast, these are basically smoothies after all. Sadly, they aren't quite sweet enough for her. I however LOVE them. Seriously yummy. And so is Bree's blog! 

Jenn - August 4, 2010 - 8:57 pm

I want one!!

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